Figured it's about time I put on actual news update on here especially since I've been updating the site more frequently. To start, the About section has been filled out more thoroughly and with something that isn't placeholder text. I've also merged the Contact section with the About page just to keep things less redundant. We got a music player to the main page just to make the site a little more comfy. Many of the tracks are pretty nostalgic for me, so hopefully you like them, too! I plan to get the Sketches archive up and running and finally get a first entry on the Cooking section here in the near future. So look forward to that!
Currently, trying to mess with the look of the website, so it'll look weird from time to time. I can never get this place to look just how I want it!
Hi, I'm Velve and welcome to my warudo!
Click right here to know about me and this website.